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Day 1

Mood: Not great. Saw my mom commenting on A's post. Dunno why but it bothers me a bit how close they've become. It wasn't the only post. Must admit, she does have a charm with the aunties, so maybe that's why, but it doesn't take away the fact that my mom does seem to enjoy talking to her more than her own daughter.  To be honest, I don't know what to expect from my relationship with my mom. I never seem to click with her ever since Dad passed. She drives me insane, nitpicking everything I do. It's hard not to get annoyed and ticked off when holding a conversation with her because she'll somehow find a way to segue into calling out my flaws. Whether it be fat arms, a growing double chin, or that my shirt collar is too low. If it isn't that, it would probably be her nagging about my future; where I should work next, who I should become, where I should live, what 5 years down the line should look like... Jesus. I can't have a relaxed conversation a...

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